Kenneth Seekins


I am studying for a B.A. in Computer Science in the Department of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Hawaii. I expect to graduate in Spring, 2025. Pre-medical student.

Interests: Bioinformatics, Data Science, Machine Learning in Medicine, Alzheimer disease Research


Toaster Eats 2024

Recipe and Shopping Application for University of Hawaii community.

Javascript Web Application Meteor

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Covid19 Saftey Committee Member 2021

Promoting Safe Work conditions during Covid-19 pandemic.


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Patient Advocay Task Force 2021

Improving how we connect homeless patients with resources.


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Time Management for ADHD coders

10 May 2024

Making a Schedule Over a decade ago, I took a workshop on how time management. The facilitator asked us to make a schedule for a week, and I got immediately overwhelmed. The other studetns seem to have no problem. I...

ADHD Efficiency Issue Driven Project Management

Anatomy of a Software

09 May 2024

What I had Imagined This webpage “Shops Near Campus” looks simple enough. It resembles a Post-it notes stuck on a board. Prior to learning Software engineering, I would have imagined a single page of codes behind this page. So Many...

Software Engineering Development Environment Design Patterns Coding Standards Open Source

A Place of AI in Education

07 May 2024

I. Introduction My initial exposure to AI occurred last year when I consulted ChatGPT for my Physics homework problems. Initially, I was impressed as ChatGPT explained step by step how it calculated the magnetic field change of a rotating motor....

Software Development Artificial Intelligence ChatGPT Pedagogy

Medicine and Computer Science

18 Jan 2024

Hello, Computer Science Hotel front desk seems like an odd place to develop interest in computer science. However, that was the case for me. I was never passionate about the hospitality industry, but it paid my bills while I pursued...

Engineering Career Choices Medicine

Java, Javascript and Genetics

26 Jan 2023

Studying Computer Science at University of Hawaii at Manoa Information and Computer Sceince (ICS) majors at University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) are taught Java in the beginning. We are then introduced to Javascript. I’ve always wondered why it was...

Engineering Biology Pedagogy