Information and Computer Sceince (ICS) majors at University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) are taught Java in the beginning. We are then introduced to Javascript. I’ve always wondered why it was so. I wished that they would teach Python instead of Java, since much of the machine learning research uses Python. So far, I finshied the 3rd week of ICS 314: Software Engineering. It has focued on Javascript. Now I suspect that we were taught Java first to highlight the differences programming languages can have.
One of the differnces between Java and Javascript is how objects are created. In Javascript, objects are created from other objects. Analogy used in our class was mitosis. All the cells in our body are created from cell divisions. We focused on mitosis for simplicity, as meiosis involves 2 succesive divisions and gene recombinations. Just like a daugher cell receiving the same DNA as the mother cell, objects created from a previously existing object (the prototype) inherits all its methods.
Could that similarity mean that prototypical object orientation can simulate how DNA is passed down? For instance, can it silmulate the process of meiosis? In meiosis, a diploid parent cell is divided twice to make 4 haploid gamete cells. Diploid cells have two copies of every gene, while haploid contains just one of each. Sperm and egg cells are gamete cells, and they combine to create a new diploid cell, a zygote that develops into a new individual. In the process, Chromosomes are physically crossed over and have portions swapped, creating new combinations of Genes.
This results in new combinations of traits.
Here we see a divergence, or the limit of the analogy. In Javascript, a new object inherits the functions of the prototype. It can then add new functions of it’s own. In gene recobination, there is no added functionality. It’s as if two objects are trading parts of their prototypes. Mutating prototypes is highly discouraged in Javascript, as it annulls how Javascript optimizes property accesses. A possible work around of this problem is to consider functions as gene positions, instead of the genes themselves.
ICS 314: Software Engineering is a required course for ICS majors at UHM. The class does not revolve around exams, but weekly WODs: an in class timed programming assignment. Professor Johnson has compared it to Project Runway. It is a reality TV show of budding fashion designers who are given curve ball assignemnets to create garments in a time crunch. I appreciated him comparing this course to my favorite TV show. It has made me realize that being a student is all about optimizing the scarce time we have.
Fujiwara, Y., Horisawa-Takada, Y., Inoue, E., Tani, N., Shibuya, H., Fujimura, S., … Ishiguro, K. (2020). Meiotic cohesins mediate initial loading of HORMAD1 to the chromosomes and coordinate SC formation during meiotic prophase. PLOS Genetics, 16(9), e1009048. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1009048
© 2008 Nature Education Adapted from Sharp, L. (1934) Introduction to Cytology (McGraw–Hill, New York), pp. 303, 330, 333 (2008). All rights reserved.
Object.setPrototypeOf()- Javascript: MDN MozDevNet link Accessed January 26th 2024